The Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala has remanded two Jinja City education officials, Haruna Muloopa and Samuel Ngobi, to Luzira Prison on charges of diverting Universal Primary Education (UPE) capitation grant funds.
Haruna Muloopa, a senior education officer, and Samuel Ngobi, assistant sports officer, pleaded not guilty to charges of abuse of office before Grade One Magistrate Christopher Opit.
The prosecution, led by Raymond Mugisa, informed the court that between 2021 and May 2022, the two officials allegedly instructed head teachers of government-aided primary schools in Jinja City to divert UPE funds for activities not intended by the grant.
The diverted funds were allegedly redirected to a sports workshop and Jinja City Council activities, in clear violation of UPE Guidelines and Regulations for handling public funds.
Magistrate Opit remanded Muloopa and Ngobi to Luzira Prison until August 29, 2024, to allow for further investigations. The court also issued criminal summons against their co-accused, Amina Mutesi, the principal education officer, who is currently on the run.
The trio’s arrest was conducted by officers from the State Anti-Corruption Unit, which has been actively pursuing cases of misuse of public funds.
This case highlights the government’s ongoing efforts to crack down on corruption, particularly in the education sector, where the misuse of UPE funds has been a recurring issue.
The unit’s prosecutor, Natasha Mariam, presented the case in court.
Kenneth Wamatoyi