There was grief and anguish on Monday evening as mourners gathered in Busamo Upper village, Namisindwa Parish in Bupoto Sub-county, Namisindwa district to receive the body of Brian Musawule. He was reportedly gunned down by unknown assailants while fetching edible bamboo shoots (Kamaleya) from Mt. Elgon Park on the Kenyan side.
Musawule, 19, was killed on Friday night while in the company of a colleague whose identity is yet to be revealed. The colleague managed to flee upon hearing the gunshots. The assailants, suspected to be Kenyans, were reportedly in civilian clothes, armed, and their faces covered.
These incidents have been occurring for decades. According to Namisindwa district central police station, close to 102 people have been killed in three years. Makeme Damascus, Bupoto Sub-county LC3 chairperson, stated that efforts to contain the situation have always hit a dead end.
The body was received by a crowd that had gathered along the way from Malikisi, in the park. Abnel Wamukota, who was among those who went to receive the body, said they found two bullet wounds, indicating Musawule was shot twice—once in the chest and once in the neck.
Bwayo Emma, the Namisindwa Male Youth Councilor, called on security forces to ensure the safety of people who go to the park. According to Bwayo, Musawule’s body will be laid to rest on Tuesday.