Police in Kanungu district are investigating the disappearance of a three-month-old baby boy who was stolen from a businesswoman during a trade show. The incident occurred on August 10, 2024, at around midday at the Kihihi pyrotechnic playground in Kihihi town council.
The child’s mother, Sumayah Naziwa, wife to Khalid Akampurira, an Imam at Kanyantorogo mosque, was selling chapati at the trade show when a young woman, appearing to be in her early 20s, approached her pretending to be a customer. The woman offered to help Naziwa by babysitting the child while she continued preparing chapatis.
However, after a few minutes, the woman vanished with the baby. Naziwa searched for them in vain and eventually rushed to the police for assistance.
Elly Maate, the police spokesperson for the Kigezi region, confirmed the incident, noting that the unidentified woman likely stole the baby after noticing that Naziwa was preoccupied with her business. The case has been registered at Kanungu Police Station under file number CRB 314/2024.