Education News

Heavy Downpour Disrupts UCE Exams Distribution in Kigezi

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A heavy downpour disrupted the distribution of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations on Monday morning in Kigezi sub-region. The distribution exercise was scheduled to kick off at 08:30 AM but the rain started at around 08:10 AM.


Specifically, at Kabale police station, the distribution started about 10 minutes to 09:00 AM. Heads of schools were seen arriving to collect exams with umbrellas.  Some heads of schools like Medard Turamyomwe Salongo of Nyamweru secondary school in Nyamweru sub-county, Rubanda district were seen braving the rain to transport the exams on a motorcycle.




Elly Maate, the Kigezi region police spokesperson, said that despite rain disrupting the distribution no incident has been registered in the region to sabotage the exercise. Maate said that security is ready to ensure that the exams are done peacefully up to the end.  

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