URN has migrated to a new website. We hope disruptions will be minimal, and when they happen, we hope we will be able to help you resolve them quickly. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Here are a few answers to common questions for both our journalists and our clients.
I can’t login! What happened?
The new website requires you to login using your email address and password, not your username and password. The email address required for logging in is the email address that was associated with your user account on the old website.
My personal details have disappeared!
We tried to move over as much personal information from the old to the new user accounts as we could. However, this wasn’t always possible. If some of your information is missing, just login and click on your name, in the horizontal black bar below the logo. You will then be able to update information about yourself.
The pages look all funny, the site must be broken!
You might be using an old web browser. We don’t support Internet Explorer 6 and don’t like Internet Explorer 7. Please upgrade to a modern browser. We recommend Chrome, Safari or Firefox.
I’m a client and don’t have access!? What happened?
In the new system, your access will automatically expire if we don’t receive payment in time. To make sure you have continued access, pay your next installment well before your access expires.
GRRR! Search isn’t working!
Search will only start to work once the new website is available on our old domain. From then on, it can take a few days or weeks before all pages have been properly indexed.
What’s all this RSS crap!? How does it help me?
RSS feeds are a way for websites to communicate with each other, exchanging, for example, the latest news. However, you can also use RSS feeds to stay up to date, subscribe to the latest news in a field of your choosing.
Why not read up on RSS feeds.