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Be Responsible For Your Families, Nation: Bishop Akanjuna to Youth

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During the 2nd Kigezi Diocesan Youth Convention at St. Peter’s Cathedral Rugarama in Kabale Municipality, Rt. Rev. Gaddie Akanjuna, Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi, urged the youth to focus on becoming valuable members of their families and nation as they transition into adulthood.


Addressing the hundreds of youth and Christians gathered at the convention, Bishop Akanjuna emphasized the importance of not conforming to negative influences but rather being transformed by renewing their minds according to God’s will, as stated in Romans 12:2.


Expressing concern over the prevalence of harmful behaviors like alcoholism among youth, Bishop Akanjuna stressed that these actions could hinder their growth and development into responsible adults. He emphasized that the choices made during youth determine the trajectory of one’s adulthood.


Other speakers at the convention, including Kenneth Jogo Biryabarema, former Rubanda District LC5 Chairman, and Hon. Prosy Mbabazi Begumisa, Rubanda District Woman Member of Parliament, urged the youth to avoid negative peer pressure and focus on their academic pursuits. They warned against engaging in sinful activities like promiscuity and emphasized the importance of maintaining moral values.


Canon Captain Titus Baraka Kyeswa, the Director of Missions and Outreach in the Church of Uganda, encouraged Christians to resist the temptation of false prophets and uphold Godly principles in their lives. The convention, which commenced on May 3rd, 2024, will continue until May 6th, 2024, providing an opportunity for youth to receive spiritual guidance and inspiration for their journey into adulthood.

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