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Court of Appeal Extends Services to Kigezi

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The Court of Appeal has expanded its services to the Kigezi region for the first time, facilitating hearings for 33 criminal appeal cases. As the second highest court in Uganda, this extension marks a significant step in improving access to justice in the area.



Presided over by the Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera, the special session held at Kabale High Court premises in Kabale district began on Monday. The cases being heard encompass a range of charges, including 17 for murder, 3 for robbery, 11 for defilement, 1 for rape, and 1 for manslaughter. Justices Muzamiru Kibwedi, Christopher Gashirabake, and Oscar Kihika are overseeing these sessions.


Addressing the opening session, Buteera emphasized the importance of prioritizing Arbitration and Conciliation processes to encourage parties to reconcile with the guidance of a mediator. He stressed that this approach would alleviate the burden of case backlog and reduce the time spent in court as parties seek justice.

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