National Perspective URN Blog

National Perspective Vol.012: HIV/AIDS AT 30: Progress in Research (program summary)

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Did you know that the first HIV vaccine trial in Africa was carried out in Uganda, by Ugandan scientists?

Research in finding solutions to HIV/AIDS has been wide and varied. In-roads have been made towards finding a vaccine, as new concepts such as microbicides are introduced.

Circumcision, now a proven intervention towards the prevention of HIV, used to be a traditonal and religous ritual. What this shows is that there is hope to finding a lasting solution to HIV.

Though decades later, the realization of a proven HIV vaccine still eludes scientists, the progress that has been made in other interventions gives the scientists hope that a vaccine can be found.

This hope is expressed in the last edition of our series on HIV at 30. Tune in to a radio station in your area and understand the progress that has been made in the field, and where the research is heading in the next few years.

Give us your feedback on this and other editions.



National Perspective Vol.012: HIV/AIDS AT 30: Progress in Research (audio 30mins)
National Perspective: Vol.011; HIV/AIDS at 30; The Importance of Palliative Care (audio 30mins).


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